Produce Stalls
We chose Keelara in Mandya as our first village to implement a Sustainable Shop model. Keelara village has about 4000 families, each families spend about ₹500 month for Greens. These Greens are bought from the outside market, which means ₹2.4 Crore goes out of the village each year!
To keep the unnecessary money outflow under check, and revive Village Economy, we dedicated a Poison-Free Food Store to Keelara Organic Farmers Club. The Shop is owned by Keelara Organic Farmers Club. The club produces organic food and the fresh produce is sold in the store. Once the surplus is achieved, they supply to Organic Mandya, which in turn gets sold across our stores in Bangalore. The village produces, the village consumes, excess is sold outside. This model also makes Farmers healthy!